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All RTOs (Registered Training Organisations) differ in the courses they offer and the ways they deliver training. Here at Federation Academy, we have set out all the important information you need to know before enrolling in a course on our website.  We have also included a downloadable version of our International Student Handbook, so everyone is aware of what we expect of, and what we provide to, our students. 


We also encourage you to ask questions of any RTO before deciding to study with them.  The Australian Government ASQA website has great information on the types of questions you need to think about and ask before deciding to start a course. Please refer to this link for further details:

Students without formal secondary qualifications may be required to complete Federation Academy’s Language, Literacy and Numeracy test. Some courses may require satisfactory completion of prerequisite units or qualifications. Such requirements are detailed in the individual course information. 
Students must be 18 years of age or above. 

As part of completing your enrolment form with Federation Academy, you can let us know whether you want to apply for Credit Transfer or Recognition of Prior Learning.  

If you have successfully completed previous studies at an Australian RTO, you may be eligible to receive Credit Transfer for the units in your future course. Once we receive your application, the Federation Academy Academic Team will review your prior studies and ask you to supply a copy of your qualification or certificate (with the units listed), if you have not already done soOnce we have the evidence, we will produce a Credit Transfer Analysis which will let you know what units you may not have to study and still be able to complete your qualificationPlease note: Credit Transfers may affect the duration of your Course and the subsequent CoE issued.  

If you have not completed formal studies but have evidence of having the skills and knowledge needed to complete a unit, you may be able to be assessed through Recognition of Prior Learning.  To apply for recognition of prior learning, and received an application kit, please contact the RPL Administration at  


Federation Academy’s Advanced Diploma courses are generally assessed at the same level as those for the relevant first year undergraduate programs offered at university.   Many Australian University’s offer advanced standing for bachelor’s degrees to people looking to study at university.  University pathway arrangements differ depending on the area of specialisation and the university.  

Students can use a Federation Academy Diploma to apply for other institutions, however, students would need to meet any specific entry requirements set by the institutions or required by the training course. 

Please contact the student services officer via email:, for details on tuition fees and any other related information. 

Australian / Permanent residents can study part-time. International students must study full-time ( 20 contact hours per week) to meet visa conditions. For further details please contact the campus office. 

All international students are required to undertake 20 contact hours a week, classroom-based learning. This is spread across 3 days of the week. Please refer to your training plan for a detailed outline of the subject delivery schedule.  Students may be required to undertake/dedicate additional hours to learning along with our face-to-face teaching. The additional hours could include any required reading, independent study and working on assessments.

Please discuss with your trainer for specific subject learning requirements.

Federation Academy has an excellent range of support services, which cover areas including health, welfare and study support. For personal problems, which may affect your work, you can always talk in complete confidence to your trainer or any member of staff with whom you feel comfortable. Trainers can help with a wide range of issues, and if they are unable to help with a particular problem, they will find you someone who can. Students who are identified as being in danger of falling behind, are offered additional academic support, and mentoring to help them to succeed.

Our programs are designed around the needs of International Students and have more student/trainer contact time to help you understand course content and be able to get help from trainers on a one-on-one basis. Students have access to hands on practical training and understanding of the trade, as the qualifications are delivered based on what is required in the workplace rather than the academic field. Every staff member at Federation Academy is focussed on helping you succeed and will be with you for most of your learning journey. This is one of the major advantages for our students, our smaller class sizes (compared to university lecture halls) allows our trainers to support you through your whole qualification not just through individual units 

The courses are delivered face to face in the classroom, kitchen or workshopAll training resources and assessments are available on Federation Academy’s LMSA learning management system (LMS) is a software application for the administration, documentation, tracking, reporting and delivery of educational courses or training programs. You will receive access to the LMS for your course learning resources on the day you commence your studiesThis allows you to access your training 24/7. 

Students are obligated to attend all classes as per their training plan schedule. Students are advised to plan their holidays or other travel as per the term breaks in the Training Plan. In the event of an emergency or for any compassionate reasons, you are able to  submit an application to Federation Academy, along with the required evidence, to request emergency leave or even suspend you studies for up to 3 months.  For any queries, please talk to the student administration team member at the reception. 


You will receive the Training Plan with important term and assessment due dates for your course on your induction day. If you need a copy of the training plan, please visit the reception and request for a copy. 


You can contact the IT service desk ( for IT support or speak to an IT support Officer at the campus. 

Academic Qualification 

An official qualification is a record of study undertaken at Federation Academy. Once you have successfully completed your study your trainer will complete an “Academic Request” form and submit to Administration along with your completed “Student Survey”.  You Academic Qualification will be issued within 30 days of the successful completion of your final unit. 

Statement of Attainment 

A statement of attainment is issued to students and lists those units passed for courses recognised within the Australian Qualifications Framework. Statements are issued within 30 days of the successful completion of your final unit. If you have not previously received a Statement of Attainment, please email If you have lost your original statement, there would be a re-print cost, please check with the reception staff. 

We have Student Advisor/s available on all of our campuses. Please contact your Student Advisor directly to make an appointment. If you would like academic advice about your journey after College (for example, into University), we encourage you to make an appointment to discuss this. Alternatively, Federation Academy provide students with a range of services and resources to help build their career. For more information on careers, job placement, interviews and career planning, please contact the student services officer. 

Note: Federation Academy Careers Advisor cannot offer Students advice or direction in relation to VISA requirements or outcomes.  Federation Academy recommends that students and potential students consult their Education or Migration Agents for further information. 

All programs offered at Federation Academy are nationally approved and accredited by Australian Skills Qualifications Authority (ASQA). All Australian universities recognise ASQA approved programs as part of the Australian Quality FrameworkMany Universities offer advanced standing into undergraduate programs to individuals that have successfully completed nationally recognised Diplomas and Advanced Diplomas. Please Note: credits and advanced standing are awarded on an individual case by case basis, dependant on the university in question. 

Students who wish to change their course must complete the “Change of Course Application form” and submit to Federation Academy Reception. 

Students who wish to withdraw from a course must visit Federation Academy Reception for an appointment with Student Services to complete the “Withdrawal form”. Withdrawals will not be processed unless a form has been completed. Students are bound by the Federation Academy Refund Policy, applicable from the date of their original application to withdraw. 

To apply for a Student ID Card, students must contact the student administration department at  or alternatively talk to the person at the reception. The Student Administration officer will take a picture of you and the ID card will be ready within 10 working days. Students can pick up their ID from the reception. All Student ID Cards reflect a student’s workload at the time of issue (e.g. full time or part time). 


At Federation Academy we offer a variety of support services to assist our students to develop the personal resilience and skills needed to achieve both their academic and personal goals. Support services include personal counselling, accessibility, student mentors, and indigenous engagement. The Student services officer can provide guidance and assist with academic appeals, student grievances and complaints, and navigating Federation Academy policies and procedures. You can contact the Student Services. 

