Founded in 2016 & now head quartered in Brisbane (QLD), Federation Academy has undergone a transformative rebranding to deliver a modern and dynamic educational experience. Our logo, inspired by a nautical compass symbolizing our commitment to embracing diversity and charting new paths in education.

Our team comprises experienced and highly qualified trainers, material writers, learning consultants & more who are dedicated to nurturing the talents of our students. We firmly believe that learning should be practical, enjoyable, and relevant to real-world scenarios. As such, our courses integrate hands-on training and immersive experiences, ensuring that our students are well-prepared for success in the industry.

Our Vision:

To provide excellent industry skills that are responsive to meet Australia’s economic, social and environmental challenges.

Our Mission:

To provide innovative training environments, opportunities and experiences that enable individuals, communities and the region to rise above the rest.

Our Values:

Student focus: Education programs that compliment, enhance and contribute to the growth and enrichment of students and the community.

Excellence: Maintain a high standard academic quality & integrity through staff professional development and industry engagements.

Collaboration: Seeing input from all sectors of the Australian vocational education & training sector and the community

Diversity: Fostering a learning community in which all styles of students are recognized and supported irrespective of age, race, ethnicity, gender, physical, qualities, religious beliefs and sexual orientation.

Life-Long Learning: Promote enthusiastic, independent thinks and individuals striving to enhance their understanding of the world around us.

Integrity: To ensure respect & fairness for the community and all our stake holders.

Technological Advancement: embracing latest technology trends and enhancing traditional training to prepare individuals for success in a global work place.

You don't have to struggle alone, you've got our assistance and help.


In-Campus Excellence

Immerse in vibrant learning environments on our modern campus. Collaborate with passionate peers and expert trainers for hands-on training and personal growth.

Online Learning, Anywhere *

Embrace freedom with our flexible courses. Access materials, engage in live sessions, and learn in a blended setting.

*Please check with admissions team for qualifications available for “online learning”

Industry Placement & Experience

Gain a competitive edge with real-world exposure. Our industry placements connect you with top establishments, preparing you for success in any industry.


Take the first step towards an exciting career! Book a FREE course consultation today, and let our experts guide you to the qualification that aligns with your aspirations and goals. Get started on your journey to success with Federation Academy!

Book Free Consultation
